Simple programming concept and Its basics


This is mostly for people that did not understand how programming works.

A program is a set of logically arranged instructions that are executable by a computer to produce a desired result or output.

A program is an arranged instruction that can accept input through your keyboard, scanner, or anything, process what it accepted, show the result, and then save it too.

So Programming is the act of arranging those instructions that are executable by a computer system or the act of arranging computer instructions that can accept input process the accepted data, process it, store and produce an output correctly.

Programming is made up of 4 parts.

Four basics of programming
  1. INPUT: This is what the computer system is expecting from you to either type in or thumbprint or scans into the program. Here you have to make sure that the program accepts the right data needed. This is the place where validation and verification come in. For example, The image below is expecting numbers as input. The 9 entered here is a good example of input.

Validation: This is to make sure the user enters the type of data you as a developer wanted the user to type.

Verification: This is to make sure that the data the user enters matches the data the developer is expecting.

Simple programming rules and their basics
Input as one of the basics of programming

2. Process: This is when the input the user entered are been worked on. It will undergo so many processes depending on what the developer and the user want it to do. Just like processing Corn to get Cornflakes or processing Cassava to get Cassava Flakes.

3. Storage: This is where the program stores the data used in the program. There are short term and long term memory. Short-term memory is the values in different variables declared but if the program has a database then it can store the data in the database thereby making the data available for long-term use.

4. Output: This is the reason why you are programming in the first place. This is the result that you will see from the input you entered from the beginning. Before a developer starts writing a program he already knows the expectation. He already knows what he is expecting the program to do and what answers it is expecting the program to come up with. That answer, expectation, or result is what we call output. For example, the 81 in the image below is the output of the input (9 * 9).

Output as one of the basic concept of programming

Abanobi Chukwuma Godswill (Unique)



Chukwuma Godswill Abanobi “Unique”

A full-stack developer that enjoys critical thinking, communication, Problem Solving and consistently contribute to team efforts and organization