Paystack Storefront a free gold for small business owners


Paystack announced Paystack Storefront, a free and complete seller toolkit for selling multiple products online, beautifully mostly for small business enterprises that cannot afford a website to sell their products.

That way you can market and sell all your products on a digital platform just like every other eCommerce platform and earn with your Paystack account. This is the fastest way to start selling.

How to create a Paystack StoreFront

The first criteria to create a Paystack storefront is to have a working Paystack account. If you don’t have it you can create a new account here .

If you have an account just log in to Paystack Dashboard

Paystack Dashboard

Then Click on the Storefronts and New Storefront button. Fill in the fields you wish to name your storefront like the image below. The currency you choose is the currency you will be paid in. The link is what you are going to be sharing to make sells then click on create.

New Storefronts
New Storefronts

Once you succeded in creating a new storefront you will see this view to add products

Add Product to your storefronts

You saw some previous products because I have added a few before. You can select from products if you have already added some products before or you just click on Add products to a storefront.

New Storefront Product
New Storefront product

Add the name of the product, Description, Price, Quantity and you toggle the button if the product is a physical product else if it is something like Ebook or Internet subscription that is not physical you leave it off. This is necessary because if it is a physical product Paystack will need to collect the address from the buyer so you can be able to deliver the product to them.

Now click next to add media of the product you wish to sell. Make sure you add high-quality Images, videos, and probably gifs so the buyer can have a clear view of what they wanted to buy. You can add as many as 6 images. Just as the Image below then click save once it's done

Uploading media on storefront product
Uploading media on a product

After adding the product it will look like this. Remember you can add as many products as you want.

Product added on a storefront
Product added on a storefront

Here I added more products. It is easy to use so you have nothing to worry about.

Products added on storefronts
Products added on the storefront

Now you can customize the storefronts if you choose to. You can change the background color, add a welcome message, about us, contact (Phone number and WhatsApp number, Email), and social media links. Just as the Image below

Customizing Storefront
Customizing Storefront

Now you can preview how your storefront looks like. Copy the link and start sending it to your buyers, Sharing it on social media or wherever you think your buyers are.

This is the preview that the buyers will see when they want to buy and they order it just like eCommerce.

Storefront front view
Storefront front view

Please note that if you are selling a physical product you are mandated to add delivery fees within a geographical location.

But if you are selling a digital product, let’s say book or picture you are expected to add a link where they can get what they paid for after paying.

If you enjoy this tutorial please just give me a clap, drop a comment, and give me a follow.

Chukwuma Godswill Abanobi “Unique”



Chukwuma Godswill Abanobi “Unique”

A full-stack developer that enjoys critical thinking, communication, Problem Solving and consistently contribute to team efforts and organization