Business owners and the need for Digital and Online presence


Traditional business owners have either refuse to rebrand or are finding it difficult to rebrand into a modern-day business that mostly happens through the internet.

Business owners and the need for Digital and Online presence

They believe that the internet is a SCAM “a way to take away their money” but today we have gone past that Hypothesis. There is no way any living person will ignore the internet as I write.

What do I mean by having a website, Digital or Online presence? Having your official website, having an up-to-date Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Business, and even Youtube page, posting your products on the different online markets. Rebranding your logo and business making it suit what we have on-trend. These things will increase your sales in the 21st century also known as the internet age without been told.

Reasons why you need a digital presence.

  1. The Youths: In 2019, there are about 1.2 billion youth aged 15 to 24 years in the world so imagine ignoring 1.2 billion people maybe because you think they don't matter. Knowing fully well that most of them are the people who are doing the buying in their families. Maybe because their parents are another reason.
  2. Drop Shippers: There are groups of entrepreneurs that do not even need to see the seller, the buyer nor the products but they are making a lot of money. So if you refuse to have an online presence these people will take away your customers because they reduce stress for them. You might be there waiting for customers to arrive while they are online buying from your neighbor.
  3. Worldwide reach: Once your business is online you have a wider reach than you can imagine. You cannot do the marketing alone. Allow social media and the internet to help expand your reach.
  4. Prooves genuineness of your business: These days once you mention your business name people are typing it on google or on a browser to determine if the business is existing or not. To determine how long the business has existed, and to know the exact location of your business. Now imagine if one cannot find your business online, what do you think they will say?
  5. Easier to compare and analyze what your competitors are doing that you are not doing. If your business has an online presence, it can help you know your competitors, know what they are doing that you are not doing, know what you have as an edge over them. Analyze and know where you can improve.
  6. It will be easier for you to know when your products are having bad reviews and immediately know what you are going to do about it

Now when you look at these things you will see reasons with me. Even courier companies now have a tracking platform to see where your product is at the moment. You do not physically need to meet your customers one

You either adapt to this new trend or risk been phase out soon

Abanobi Chukwuma Godswill “Unique”



Chukwuma Godswill Abanobi “Unique”

A full-stack developer that enjoys critical thinking, communication, Problem Solving and consistently contribute to team efforts and organization